The map above shows the topographic relief of Canada. Relief is represented by twelve hypsometric tints. The different colors in the map represent different levels of elevation.
This map is a Public Land Survey System map; it is used in the United States to survey and identify land parcels. This map depicts the principle merideans and baselines used for surveying states.
The planimetric map is used for the design of transpotation projects. This map potrays the horizontal features using lines and symbols. Aerotriangulation is used to determine the position and orientation of the camera to show planimetric features in their true relative coordinate positions.
The map above shows population percent change in the U.S from 1990-1996. This thematic map is catagorized by color. The color represents a certain percent change over a certain area for six years.
This map is an overview of the coubtry Eritea. This shows the elevation of the country according to color. Green is the lowest points on the map and brown is the highest point.